Terraria Map Editor
- TEdit - Terraria Map Editor - TEdit is a stand alone, open source map editor for Terraria. It lets you edit maps just like (almost) paint! It also lets you change world settings (time, bosses downed etc), edit chests and change sign, make epic dungeons, castles, cities, and add rewards for your adventurers!
- TEdit or Terraria Map Editor is no more and no less than what its name suggests. In other words, individuals can edit or create maps or biomes as they are more often referred to as if drawing in.
- Completely read-only, making it completely safe to use, with no risk of corrupting or overwriting your world files.
- Cross-platform, supports any modern browser on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
- Completely client-side JavaScript, meaning your Terraria worlds are not uploaded to any server.
- Open your Terraria world files by browsing to the .wld file.
- Interactive, smooth pan and zoom using the mouse.
- Find and highlight ores, items in chests, Enchanted Swords, Shark Statues, Strange Plants, etc.
- Find and highlight biomes such as Corruption, Crimson, Hallow, Spider Nests, Floating Islands, etc.
- View the world's spawn and dungeon locations.
- View the location of NPCs such as Merchant, Mechanic, Arms Dealer, etc.
- View world properties such as name, version, revision, width, height, moon phase, orbs broken, altars smashed, etc.
A powerful map editor and viewer for Windows. Its countless features can be used to copy. TerraMap online is an online model of the Terraria map viewer for PC. The benefit is that that is a cross-platform Terrain viewer that still keeps its PC counterpart’ features. Terraria is a chunk-full of surprises, which permits gamers to discover significant worlds looking for hidden treasures.
- Drag with left mouse button to pan.
- Click with left mouse button to select a tile. Click the 'Selected Tile Info' panel to see the contents of chests, text on signs and gravestones, etc.
- Use mouse wheel to zoom.
Top Toolbar
- Browse/Choose File - Open your Terraria world .wld file.
- Windows: %USERPROFILE%DocumentsMy GamesTerrariaWorlds
- MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Terraria/Worlds
- Linux: ~/.local/share/Terraria/Worlds
- Sets - A list of pre-configured sets of blocks (Corruption, Crimons, Hallow, etc). Click the dropdown menu, then click a set to highlight all tiles in the map that match.
- Choose Blocks - Choose tiles, items, and walls to find or highlight.
- Find Previous - Find tiles that match the options chosen in 'Choose Blocks', starting at the current selection, working backwards (bottom-to-top, right-to-left).
- Find Next - Find tiles that match the options chosen in 'Choose Blocks', starting at the current selection, working forwards (top-to-bottom, left-to-right).
- Highlight All - Highlights all of the tiles in the map that match the options chosen in 'Choose Blocks'.
- Clear Highlight - Clears any overlay (selection or highlight).
- Zoom To Fit - zooms all of the way out and centers the map.
- Save Map Image - saves the map and any overlay (selection or highlight) to a .png image file.
- Reload World - reloads the current world file, picking up any changes since it was first loaded.
Bottom Toolbar
- A list of NPCs present in the world. Click the dropdown menu, then click an NPC to highlight them in the map.
- A list of world properties (version, revision, size, defeated bosses, etc.
- Information about the currently selected tile. Click a tile on the map. If the tile is a chest, sign, gravestone, etc, click the dropdown menu to view its contents and/or text.
- Information about the tile the cursor is currently over.
Background Information
TerraMap uses only a single pixel and color for each block, tile, wall, item, etc. It does not use the game's textures. For that, I highly recommend the excellent Terrafirma.
It's built using JavaScript, JQuery, and Bootstrap. It uses Web Workers to do processor-intensive work in the background to improve responsiveness and performance.
I experimented with several different approaches to drawing, and finally ended up using HTML canvas 2d context fillRect method, which is the fastest method on Chrome, my current browser of choice.
This was an education exercise for me. The only real improvements I made over Terrafirma are the combined block/tile/item search, allowing you to search for items in chests, the incremental search forward/backward, and UI improvements.
I referenced the Terraria .wld format documentation provided by Terrafirma to read the world data. Sean definitely did a great job at reverse-engineering and documenting the format. Portions of TerraMap code were adapted from the source code for TerraFirma and TEdit. I also used ILSpy to peek at some of the Terraria game code.
I used the excellent jquery.panzoom for pan and zoom functionality.
Cave Story is a game developed by Daisuke Amaya aka 'Pixel.' During quarantine I decided to recreate the entire game in Terraria now that 1.4 is out with Journey mode and there are cool new building blocks to work with. The World can be played like an adventure map, or you could just tour the areas and explore what Cave Story has to offer.
Main Features:
-Terraria 1.4.x compatible!
-Wide variety of areas with all sorts of rooms and caves.
-Up to 2 players recommended, though I'm not stopping you from running through the place in Journey Mode with 8 other people.
-Mining and building is not allowed and not intended for progress.
Terraria World Editor 1.4
How to Play:
-Do not change NPC houses or create new ones
-Do not change any wiring/teleporter setups
-You can use Boss drops, except for the Slimy Hook and Slimy Saddle. Both provide way too much mobility for something that can be obtained near the beginning of the game.
Useful Tips:
-Keep an eye out for Pressure Pads during the early game. They're deadly!
-Save up your coins, you'll be able to Reforge equipment later on.
-Don't overestimate yourself just because you think you have powerful enough gear.
How to Install the Map:
-To play the world, download it, and extract/unzip the folder. Copy '________.wld' and past it in your world saves folder, which by default should be located in: Documents > My Games > Terraria > Worlds.
-Made for Terraria: http://terraria.org/
-Based on Cave Story https://www.cavestory.org/
-Vast majority of building done with TEdit: https://github.com/TEdit/Terraria-Map-Editor/releases
-CSMC Discord, they didn't do much but they're all nice folk. https://discord.gg/xRsWpz6
Thank you to my testers:
-Nicadrio Indeed~
Terraria Map Editor For Tmodloader
-chadudeski, self proclaimed soon-to-be-convicted-felon
-Dipless, pronounced 'Dip-less' not 'D-ipples'
Terraria Seed Map Viewer
Terraria Map Editor Mod
-and a couple of other monkeys
If you have any feedback then please feel free to tell me.
*This project can go further, with bonus areas such as the Wind Fortress (G-Clone) and the Inner Wall (Prinny Cap) not built yet. If the world receives enough downloads, support, or I become bored again, I may update the world. The teleporter hub area is also a little bit rough around the edges too, but I'll take function over form for that detail.