The Great Replacement

The Great Replacement

  • But if it was real, it'd be good. Contact: Sources.
  • The statement made by Brenton Tarrant.
  • The Great Replacement and the tragedy of Sweden.

The Great Replacement (French: Le grand remplacement) is a term originally coined by a French writer Renaud Camus who first used it to describe the demographic replacement happening in France because of its mass immigration policies and low birth rates among the native French. In his book, he writes:

I have coined the phrase Great Replacement (in French Grand Remplacement) to denote the brutal change of population which has been taking place in France (and in Europe) since the beginning of the last quarter of the last century; and which has been gaining momentum ever since.

The name came to me as I was travelling to write a sort of literary guidebook about the département of Hérault, in Languedoc, Southern France, when I discovered that thousand year-old villages had their population largely transformed, with women wearing the Islamic veil gathering at the 18th-century fountain and other appearing at gothic twin windows. I was accustomed for long to the existence of large modern banlieues almost entirely populated by immigrants, but this was an altogether different experience.

The name I gave it was probably dictated to me by more or less conscious historical memories of the Great Upheaval of the Acadians, in 18th-century Canada. There was nothing strictly deliberate in my choice of words. ... The fact remains that entire streets, districts, towns, regions, not to mention schools, which had had for centuries a given population, suddenly have an entirely different one. The face of the country has been transformed to an unimaginable extent. So has its body, and so has its mind, and soul.

Renaud Camus. You Will Not Replace Us!. 2018

The same term can be applied to all other white populations both in Europe and abroad - from Germany, to England, to the United States, all of which have below replacement birth rates and migration policies that pose the same existential threat. Of all the different races of people on this planet, only the European races are uniquely facing the possibility of extinction in a relatively near future.

The purpose of this site is the documentation of European decline both demographically and culturally, and spreading awareness of the term 'The Great Replacement' both on the internet through hashtags like #TheGreatReplacement and #GreatReplacement and in conversations in the real world, which hopefully will inspire a change in cultural and political attitudes before it is too late.

The Great Replacement Text

In addition, it should replace the previous term that was used to describe the same population replacement phenomenon as #WhiteGenocide, which wouldn't have been as effective outside the United States, although YouTube alone shows over 50,000 results when you do an exact search for 'white genocide' - most of them in English.

The Great Replacement Theory

The ‘Great Replacement’ Is a Genocidal Playbook The far right’s obsession over migration and xenophobic “replacement” theories have seen a resurgence in an era of looming climate. The Great Replacement Theory is an ethno-nationalist theory warning that an indigenous European—e.g., white—population is being replaced by non-European immigrants. The Great Replacement concept was popularized by French writer Renaud Camus in his 2012 book, Le Grand Remplacement (“The Great Replacement”). Camus postulated that black and brown immigrants were reverse-colonizing native.